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It is likely that you are in an addictive or a toxic relationship or you have been abused, either physically or mentally. You might have lately been in this type of relationship or have recently been out of such a toxic one or worse, you might have been betrayed. 

These circumstances lead to different feelings including sadness, fear, anxiety, anger and abandonment as well as insecurity. People experiencing such circumstances become confused in life and suffer from dissatisfaction. This is where counseling would be beneficial, since it could help you with relationship analysis and identifying the real root cause of an error and also help you to learn from past events. 

Relationships are like a mirror which demonstrates our inner hidden angles. Experiencing counseling sessions with a specialist psychologist would help with healing past emotional wounds together with building a pleasant relationship in the future. Since It is often that we keep repeating the same mistake, benefiting from consultation seems necessary.

what is relationship and intimacy?

Intimate relationships are one of the most important psychological needs for every human being. Intimacy includes a close and intimate loving relationship or a personal and romantic relationship with the ones you love which not only requires a collection of detailed information, but also requires a profound understanding of them.

This concept can range from detailed discussions about life to disclosure of the most private feelings which is not easily talked about by anyone. Intimacy is the ability to communicate with other people and express our different emotions. Every human being feels the urge to experience it in his relations to their close person. 

Elements of Intimacy

  • Emotional intimacy: sharing a variety of feelings including anger, guilt, shame, happiness, etc. 
  • Psychological intimacy: Sharing different conflicts that are involved in your relationships. Through secure intimate relationships you can enjoy self-disclosure without fear of being embarrassed, judged, ridiculed, insulted, humiliated or even punished.
  • Intellectual intimacy: Sharing your thoughts and opinions with mutual respect without any fear.
  • Sexual intimacy: sexual intimacy is the need to establish a relationship as well as sharing and expressing sexual fantasies, feelings and desires with the one you love.
  • Physical intimacy (non-sexual): the realm of intimate physical relationship ranges from a simple non-sexual touch and hug to a shoulder to shoulder dance and walk.
  • Spiritual intimacy: ‌ Sense of unity and commitment to God which leads to sharing religious thoughts and spirituality with one another.
  • Aesthetic intimacy: The need and urge to share feelings, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs and experiences of a beauty together in intimate relationships that develops connectedness and wonderful, inspiring strong emotions. 
  • Social intimacy: Enjoying high quality activities and shared experiences together.
  • Temporal intimacy: Cherishing spending time with the one you love.

    Finally, it should be noted that attachment behaviors are important behavioral elements required for human being’s lives. Adolescence and early life experiences play a crucial role in the emergence and organization of security and intimate relationships’ behaviors.




    It is likely that you are in an addictive or a toxic relationship or you have been abused, either physically or mentally. You might have lately been in this type of relationship or have recently been out of such a toxic one or worse, you might have been betrayed. 

    These circumstances lead to different feelings including sadness, fear, anxiety, anger and abandonment as well as insecurity. People experiencing such circumstances become confused in life and suffer from dissatisfaction. This is where counseling would be beneficial, since it could help you with relationship analysis and identifying the real root cause of an error and also help you to learn from past events. 

    Relationships are like a mirror which demonstrates our inner hidden angles. Experiencing counseling sessions with a specialist psychologist would help with healing past emotional wounds together with building a pleasant relationship in the future. Since It is often that we keep repeating the same mistake, benefiting from consultation seems necessary.

    what is relationship and intimacy?

    Intimate relationships are one of the most important psychological needs for every human being. Intimacy includes a close and intimate loving relationship or a personal and romantic relationship with the ones you love which not only requires a collection of detailed information, but also requires a profound understanding of them.

    This concept can range from detailed discussions about life to disclosure of the most private feelings which is not easily talked about by anyone. Intimacy is the ability to communicate with other people and express our different emotions. Every human being feels the urge to experience it in his relations to their close person. 

    Elements of Intimacy

    • Emotional intimacy: sharing a variety of feelings including anger, guilt, shame, happiness, etc. 
    • Psychological intimacy: Sharing different conflicts that are involved in your relationships. Through secure intimate relationships you can enjoy self-disclosure without fear of being embarrassed, judged, ridiculed, insulted, humiliated or even punished.
    • Intellectual intimacy: Sharing your thoughts and opinions with mutual respect without any fear.
    • Sexual intimacy: sexual intimacy is the need to establish a relationship as well as sharing and expressing sexual fantasies, feelings and desires with the one you love.
    • Physical intimacy (non-sexual): the realm of intimate physical relationship ranges from a simple non-sexual touch and hug to a shoulder to shoulder dance and walk.
    • Spiritual intimacy: ‌ Sense of unity and commitment to God which leads to sharing religious thoughts and spirituality with one another.
    • Aesthetic intimacy: The need and urge to share feelings, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs and experiences of a beauty together in intimate relationships that develops connectedness and wonderful, inspiring strong emotions. 
    • Social intimacy: Enjoying high quality activities and shared experiences together.
    • Temporal intimacy: Cherishing spending time with the one you love.

      Finally, it should be noted that attachment behaviors are important behavioral elements required for human being’s lives. Adolescence and early life experiences play a crucial role in the emergence and organization of security and intimate relationships’ behaviors.


      For other questions & inquiries


      To book your VIRTUAL SESSION with the doctor, kindly select a session time and your preferred treatment using the form below.

      Once your preferred time is selected, your personal information is submitted, and receipt of your payment is collected, a member of our team will follow up with confirmation of your session and further details.
