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Physical and sexual abuse at any age and in any way results in devastating effects on our psyche. The younger and more frequent it has happened to an individual, the more negative effects will exist. It is not easy to talk about such harassment. It is usual that people decide not to prosecute, since on the one hand it might be difficult to prove sexual abuse and on the other hand they have to repeatedly define its bad and annoying details in the presence of different people and keep answering the annoying questions. It is even difficult for many people to start and continue talking and retelling it in a psychotherapy environment. 

It is likely that it takes thirty to forty years for some people to reveal and talk about such difficult experiences. Child sexual abuse is not only a source of psychological pain itself, but also increases the incidence of many psychological problems including depression and anxiety.

Unless you are not prepared to talk about this issue, you can use Dr. Afshari’s safe and empathetic consultation. In these meetings, there is no pressure to retell everything and everything is discussed when the patient feels comfortable and is ready. Good moments are when the patient says “I am relieved”, “I took the burden off my shoulder”, “I no longer have the feelings of guilt and shame”, “Now I know I had no problem and he was sick.” “Now I understand the origin of many self-destructive behaviors and I will not repeat them again”. Feelings of shame, guilt, anger, and fear are expressed and salvation from these feelings occurs through processes. I look forward to a healing conversation with you.

what is physical and sexual abuse?

Invasion and assault can be viewed in the context of two variables. The first variable is to understand who is being assaulted and the second variable is where the attack and assault takes place. Assault is classified into several common categories, including: violent crimes (aggravated and simple assault, robbery), domestic violence, rape, workplace violence, and torture.

Types of assault and its symptoms

  • Violent crimes:

These crimes include premeditated murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. 

  • Rape:

– It is a term that is applied to use of force against a victim who is dissatisfied with participating in a sexual act. Rape is likely to occur between a couple and among people of the same sex.

  • Sexual coercion:

– Sexual coercion is used for incidents in which an individual dominates a person and compels them to perform a sexual act.

  • Stalking:

– It is a pattern of harassment that is accompanied by the threat to harm.

  • Sexual harassment:

– It refers to the sexual advances, requests for sexual attention, verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, all of which are unwelcome and undesirable for the victim.

  • Domestic Violence (Spouse abuse):

– Physical assault inside a home, where one spouse is frequently assaulted by the other.

  • Workplace violence:

-This include simple assault, aggravated assault, robbery, sexual abuse, or rape and murder.

Permanent effects of violence and assault

Violence and assault survivors react in different ways. However, they are similar to people who have faced other types of accidents, and the severity of the effects varies from a person to the other one.

  • In most people with the experience of violence, mental and physical health declines and as a result leads to higher use of health care.
  • The most frequent disorder in women after occurrence of sexual assault are post-traumatic disorder, mood disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders and sexual disorders.
  • People who have experienced domestic violence suffer from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, headache and chronic pain.
  • Substance abuse is a crucial factor for both the survivor of domestic violence and the abuser.

  • In the case of aggravated assault, the most common crimes in society are violent crimes, followed by robbery, rape and murder, respectively.
  • Gender and age are two key factors that play a crucial role in the risk of all types of assaults.
  • Men between the ages of 15 and 34 may be more likely to be assaulted than women. These assaults are 11 times more likely to be performed by strangers rather than by acquaintances.
  • Research shows that only 26% of all rapes are committed by strangers, the majority of rapes are committed by acquaintances.
  • A sizeable number of men who commit rape are between 25 and 44 years old.
  • Alcohol is involved in 34% of rape cases.
  • Homosexual rape can be considered as a more common crime among men than women.
  • Researchers demonstrate that young women are four times more likely to be raped than other groups.
  • In the case of Sexual harassment, in more than 95% of cases, the perpetrator is a male and the victim is a female.
  • Sexual harassment often takes place in the workplace. Mostly, the victim refuses to complain due to fear of retaliation, humiliation or accusation of lying (which is very rare) or dismissal from work.
  • Insulting, asking for sexual attention, sexual jokes, staring, ogling and rubbing are among the most obvious sexual harassment behaviors.
  • In the case it is about high-severity domestic violence, it includes threatening or injuring with a gun, burning, strangling, beating, or kicking, resulting in broken bones, head, or internal injuries. And low-severity abuse that consists of slapping, beating, or kicking without injury but can be accompanied by bruising, minor cuts, or sprains.
  • In domestic violence, most perpetrators suffer from alcohol abuse, which plays a key role in this type of violence.
  • Most delinquents of domestic violence are well-behaved in public and in society, but are cruel and ruthless and cruel to their immediate family.
  • Suicide is more common in survivors of domestic violence than in those who has not experienced this violence.




Physical and sexual abuse at any age and in any way results in devastating effects on our psyche. The younger and more frequent it has happened to an individual, the more negative effects will exist. It is not easy to talk about such harassment. It is usual that people decide not to prosecute, since on the one hand it might be difficult to prove sexual abuse and on the other hand they have to repeatedly define its bad and annoying details in the presence of different people and keep answering the annoying questions. It is even difficult for many people to start and continue talking and retelling it in a psychotherapy environment. 

It is likely that it takes thirty to forty years for some people to reveal and talk about such difficult experiences. Child sexual abuse is not only a source of psychological pain itself, but also increases the incidence of many psychological problems including depression and anxiety.

Unless you are not prepared to talk about this issue, you can use Dr. Afshari’s safe and empathetic consultation. In these meetings, there is no pressure to retell everything and everything is discussed when the patient feels comfortable and is ready. Good moments are when the patient says “I am relieved”, “I took the burden off my shoulder”, “I no longer have the feelings of guilt and shame”, “Now I know I had no problem and he was sick.” “Now I understand the origin of many self-destructive behaviors and I will not repeat them again”. Feelings of shame, guilt, anger, and fear are expressed and salvation from these feelings occurs through processes. I look forward to a healing conversation with you.

what is physical and sexual abuse?

Invasion and assault can be viewed in the context of two variables. The first variable is to understand who is being assaulted and the second variable is where the attack and assault takes place. Assault is classified into several common categories, including: violent crimes (aggravated and simple assault, robbery), domestic violence, rape, workplace violence, and torture.

Types of assault and its symptoms

  • Violent crimes:

These crimes include premeditated murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. 

  • Rape:

– It is a term that is applied to use of force against a victim who is dissatisfied with participating in a sexual act. Rape is likely to occur between a couple and among people of the same sex.

  • Sexual coercion:

– Sexual coercion is used for incidents in which an individual dominates a person and compels them to perform a sexual act.

  • Stalking:

– It is a pattern of harassment that is accompanied by the threat to harm.

  • Sexual harassment:

– It refers to the sexual advances, requests for sexual attention, verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, all of which are unwelcome and undesirable for the victim.

  • Domestic Violence (Spouse abuse):

– Physical assault inside a home, where one spouse is frequently assaulted by the other.

  • Workplace violence:

-This include simple assault, aggravated assault, robbery, sexual abuse, or rape and murder.

Permanent effects of violence and assault

Violence and assault survivors react in different ways. However, they are similar to people who have faced other types of accidents, and the severity of the effects varies from a person to the other one.

  • In most people with the experience of violence, mental and physical health declines and as a result leads to higher use of health care.
  • The most frequent disorder in women after occurrence of sexual assault are post-traumatic disorder, mood disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders and sexual disorders.
  • People who have experienced domestic violence suffer from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, headache and chronic pain.
  • Substance abuse is a crucial factor for both the survivor of domestic violence and the abuser.

  • In the case of aggravated assault, the most common crimes in society are violent crimes, followed by robbery, rape and murder, respectively.
  • Gender and age are two key factors that play a crucial role in the risk of all types of assaults.
  • Men between the ages of 15 and 34 may be more likely to be assaulted than women. These assaults are 11 times more likely to be performed by strangers rather than by acquaintances.
  • Research shows that only 26% of all rapes are committed by strangers, the majority of rapes are committed by acquaintances.
  • A sizeable number of men who commit rape are between 25 and 44 years old.
  • Alcohol is involved in 34% of rape cases.
  • Homosexual rape can be considered as a more common crime among men than women.
  • Researchers demonstrate that young women are four times more likely to be raped than other groups.
  • In the case of Sexual harassment, in more than 95% of cases, the perpetrator is a male and the victim is a female.
  • Sexual harassment often takes place in the workplace. Mostly, the victim refuses to complain due to fear of retaliation, humiliation or accusation of lying (which is very rare) or dismissal from work.
  • Insulting, asking for sexual attention, sexual jokes, staring, ogling and rubbing are among the most obvious sexual harassment behaviors.
  • In the case it is about high-severity domestic violence, it includes threatening or injuring with a gun, burning, strangling, beating, or kicking, resulting in broken bones, head, or internal injuries. And low-severity abuse that consists of slapping, beating, or kicking without injury but can be accompanied by bruising, minor cuts, or sprains.
  • In domestic violence, most perpetrators suffer from alcohol abuse, which plays a key role in this type of violence.
  • Most delinquents of domestic violence are well-behaved in public and in society, but are cruel and ruthless and cruel to their immediate family.
  • Suicide is more common in survivors of domestic violence than in those who has not experienced this violence.


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