Many people and even doctors believe that the issue of obesity and weight loss belongs to the field of nutritionists. There is no doubt that nutritionists are highly trained in this area and have valuable information and methods regarding obesity and weight loss diets. There are also a percentage of people who consider exercise as a solution to obesity. However, many people do not eat because they are low in calories and do not consider the dangers of obesity. Rather, they are aware and tend to follow a nutritionist diet, but they cannot. In fact, what a psychologist and a psychiatrist do is to remove the barriers and mental compulsions about eating. There exist some people who eat to relax.
Some fill their gaps by eating. Some people think in their minds, despite being fit and even thin, that they are obese and are drawn to excessive weight loss. Eating is not just about calories. In some cases, it seems to be coercion. Like an addict who consumes heroin and an obsessive person who keeps washing dozens of times while both hate heroin and useless washing. However, a compulsory part is involved. There are commands to eat and not to eat that are not within our knowledge.
If you have not reached your ideal weight with the usual methods of diet and exercise yet and you have experienced unsuccessful attempts to achieve your goal, it is time for you to consider examining the psychological causes of eating or not eating. Dr. Afshari is there for you and at your service with the experience of numerous clients and personal experiences.
The term anorexia nervosa is applied to the loss of appetite, which is associated with symptoms such as deliberate starvation to a considerable extent, a relentless desire for weight loss and morbid fear of obesity together with the presence of signs and symptoms of starvation and fasting.
Despite the manifest slimming, these persons believe that they are uncomfortably obese. Affected individuals are increasingly mentally preoccupied with weight, food and body shape.
Symptoms (signs) of ANOREXIA NERVOSA
- Restriction of energy intake and calorie deficit according to the individual’s needs, which result in significant weight loss according to age, sex, growth path and physical health.
- Intense fear of gaining weight or become obese or frequent actions that prevent weight gain even if the body weight is less than the minimum.
- Impaired perception of an individual’s weight or body shape and severe denial of current body weight.